(Saturday, May 18, 2024)

Burke & Co. of Long & Foster is happy to assist friends, family, and guests find accommodations for this joyous occasion.
Below you will find links to properties with confirmed availability and rates for the weekend as well as helpful links to some local resources.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to assist in any way we can help.

4914 Landis Ave., Sea Isle City, NJ

Team Line: 609-478-0333

[email protected]

Burke & Co. is a Long & Foster Real Estate Group. Our primary leasing agents are Chris McGurk and Laura Watts. Our other agents include Justine Harkins, Sue Bagosy, Dave Sedlak, Nancy McCann, Pat Ettore, and Rachel & John Burke.




Check Out These Great Rentals Available the Wedding Weekend

(And Ask for Chris or Laura or Burke & Co.)

All Availability Deemed Accurate but not Guaranteed as of XXXXX, 2023

6705 Pleasure Avenue South | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

5 BR, 3.5 Baths, Sleeps 12
$1000/night for 2-night minimum (Fri-Sat)


122 84th Street East | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

6 BR, 5.5 Baths, Sleeps 14
$1000/night 2-night minimum, $750/night 3-night minimum


7504 Landis Avenue North | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

5 BR, 3 Baths, Sleeps 12
$750/night 2-night minimum, $600/night 3-night minimum


15 45th Street East | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

5 BR, 2.5 Baths, Sleeps 15
$800/night 2-night minimum, $650/night 3-night minimum


8208 Landis Avenue | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

6 BR, 6.5 Baths, Sleeps 15
$775/night 2-night minimum, $525/night 3-night minimum


3009 Landis Avenue South | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

4 BR, 2.5 Baths, Sleeps 10
$450/night 2-night minimum, $375/night 3-night minimum


15 43rd Street East | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

4 BR, 2.5 Baths, Sleeps 10
$500/night 2-night minimum, $450/night 3-night minimum


34 78th Street 1st floor | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

3 BR, 1.5 Baths, Sleeps 10
$375/night 2-night minimum, $250/night 3-night minimum


6804 Central Avenue East | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

4 BR, 2 Baths, Sleeps 10
$300/night 2-night minimum


229 44th Street East | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

4 BR, 3.5 Baths, Sleeps 9
$525/night 2-night minimum


4400 Beach #306 | Sea Isle City, NJ | Long & Foster Vacation Rentals (lfvacations.com)

2 BR, 2 Baths, Sleeps 6
$250/night 2-night minimum